Thursday 25 August 2011

Valve Wants Steamworks in Xbox Live Version of CS: Global Offensive

Valve has recently said that that the company wishes to integrate Steamworks into the Xbox Live version of upcoming shooter Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. However, due to strict guidelines from Microsoft on what publishers are allowed to employ, it remains tightly guarded, thus the inability.

Speaking to Eurogamer, Valve's boss Gabe Newell expressed:
"We certainly can deliver a lot of value to customers to the degree to which we have those capabilities,"

and to emphasise the importance of it, Newell related that:
"The PS3, obviously we made a lot more progress with that. The PS3 customers of Portal 2 are going to start to see the benefits of that with Portal 2 DLC coming out in September. So we'd really like to be able to do that for Xbox customers as well."

Personally, I truly believe that Microsoft should allow Valve since it will deliver more and most importantly, make customers happy. What do you think?

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