Wednesday 15 February 2012

Diablo 3 Collector's Edition, Detailed

"A fallen star burns across the sky, signaling the rebirth of a long-forgotten evil, and calling mortal heroes to arms once more. This limited edition collector’s set commemorates your return to the darkened world of Sanctuary. Inside, you’ll find a treasure trove of rare and legendary items to aid you in your apocalyptic battles at the End of Days."   -Diablo III
Dubbed as "the Ultimate Diablo 3 Experience", it's collector's edition features an arsenal of the following. Pretty basic for a collector's edition but if you're a player on all 3 of's platform - Diablo, World of Warcraft and Starcraft 2, then this will probably worth better.

  • Diablo 3 PC/Mac Game
  • Behind the scenes DVD and Blu-Ray Two Disc Set
  • Collectors Edition Soundtrack
  • The Art of Diablo 3
  • Diablo Skull and 4GB USB Soulstone
  • Diablo 3 Aesthetic Artifacts (in-game)
  • World of Warcraft pet (in-game)
  • Starcraft 2 Battlenet Portraits (in-game)

[More info here]

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