Saturday, 7 April 2012
Instagram for Android: 'Photo is too small' Error, Fixed

If you haven't heard about it yet, the extremely popular photo sharing app Instagram, which was previously only exclusive for iOS users, has very recently came onto Android. Generally, it received a similarly tremendous support from the Android users, except some or two who experienced slight problems.
One of the main problems surrounding the Instagram for Android version is that whenever an image is uploaded onto the app, the result given is that "the photo is too small". Basically, it means that the resolution of the picture taken is too small; but even when you increase the resolution of the photo, to the max, it'll still give you an error message.
Fortunately, it's only a bug from the newly-released app; so if you have been experiencing such problems, simply go to the Google Play Store and update it to the latest version of 1.0.3. It should be fine after that. (:
If you are an owner of the HTC One X or any Tegra 3 devices, the latest update 1.0.4 now adds support for your device. More Android Instagrammers :D