Wednesday, 16 January 2013
XXF joins KL Hunters returning to the League of Legends scene

After championing Malaysia's National HON Championships and taking home with his last team Orange eSports the biggest cash prize in Malaysia's competitive gaming history, Yin 'XXF' Fong has decided that it was time he made a return to the LoL scene with his buddies KL Hunters.
For those who isn't aware, XXF used to play competitively in LoL before moving into HoN and Orange eSports. In an interview with GosuGamers, he explained that his decision to return wasn't certain yet as of during the HoN championships, but it was only after winning the biggest prize pool that he felt that he had achieved a "personal goal of his own and it was time to return back to LoL and prove [himself] there as well", adding that "Kuala Lumpur Hunters were my friends before and I decided to go back to them as they were a great team".
As per returning to Kuala Lumpur Hunters, XXF is going to play a supposedly significant role as an AD carry to boost the team's (as of yet) rather-disappointing performance in the ongoing GPL 2013. With his previous experiences and past success, here's hoping that his return will bring our hunters up once again!