Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Chaos Online Cash Shop opens, announces first Malaysian Invitational Tournament

You might have heard of Asiasoft's latest blockbuster title, but don't mistake it for yet another of their MMOs. Instead, it's the new kid off the block when it comes to MOBAs (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) and yes, we're talking about Chaos Online here. Featuring over 80 heroes at launch, which is actually very impressive itself already, Asiasoft has evidently from their streams of advertising push, already set their eyes to expand Chaos Online in this region.
Asiasoft has recently officially launched the Chaos Online's Cash Shop and will also therefore put Heroes up for permanent purchase, along with the likes of Potions, Skins, and Charms for improved performance. With this announcement, only 30 Heroes will be available for play for free based on a rotation basis, as with other MOBA counterparts League of Legends.
At the same time, Asiasoft has also announced that the first Chaos Online Invitational Tournament will be held from 6 - 7 July with up to RM4,800 worth of prizes up for grabs. This tournament will be held at FTZ Subang Jaya so for all MOBA enthusiasts who wish to get a first look at how the elites get their hands on this new title in town, do check them out or visit